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The 2018 Fox Chase Cancer Center Volunteer Recognition Luncheon

  • Merrill Reese was the keynote speaker for the annual Fox Chase Cancer Center Volunteer Recognition Luncheon, April 20, 2018. 

    Mr. Reese, play-by-play radio announcer for the Philadelphia Eagles on SportsRadio 94.1 WIP-FM, spoke of his passion for being the announcer for the Eagles, and compared it to the Fox Chase Volunteers' selfless passion for the patients, family members and caregivers who they serve. He explained that each member played as a “team” and that was what brought them to the Super Bowl.

    Edie Snyder received the Lifetime Presidential Service Award for her over 4,000 hours of volunteer service at Fox Chase Cancer Center.

    • Edie Snyder

      Edie Snyder received the Lifetime Presidential Service Award for her over 4,000 hours of volunteer service at Fox Chase Cancer Center.

    • Merrill Reese

      Merrill Reese spoke about volunteers and their selflessness

    • Link to /sites/default/files/styles/slider_desktop/public/images/slide/volunteers_Luncheon-2018-leaders.jpg?itok=HhUSYSVf
    • Link to /sites/default/files/styles/slider_desktop/public/images/slide/volunteers_Luncheon-2018-table.jpg?itok=11gHX003

      The Annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon honors Fox Chase’s volunteers for their hard work and dedication to the Center, its faculty, patients and families. It was a wonderful afternoon listening to Merrill explain how he prepares for a game and celebrate Fox Chase volunteers at the JC Melrose Country Club.