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Fox Chase Fellows Scavenger Hunt

  • Article from the Winter 2016 Postdoc Alumni Newsletter

    Beth Lewis, Meghan Kopp, Marya Kozinova, Zaigham Khan, Ilsiya Ibragimova and Ryan Henry.
    Beth Lewis, Meghan Kopp, Marya Kozinova, Zaigham Khan, Ilsiya Ibragimova and Ryan Henry.
    1st Annual Scavenger Hunt. Vivek Modi, Vlad Korobeynikov, Ruchi Malik, Kate Buettner, and Arianna Ghazanfar.
    1st Annual Scavenger Hunt. Vivek Modi, Vlad Korobeynikov, Ruchi Malik, Kate Buettner, and Arianna Ghazanfar.

    In June, we kicked off the 1st Annual Amazing Race-inspired Scavenger Hunt with the intention of educating new and old trainees alike about the Cancer Center. Three teams competed; they followed clues about the Center’s founding members (Where does Reimann’s statue, or at least his head, reside?), they located an old picture of Bea Mintz—a pioneering and much celebrated member of our faculty—which was faithfully guarded by the Center’s librarian, Beth Lewis, and they serenaded members of the Grants Office with enthusiastic rounds of Row Row Row Your Boat. The goals of this exercise—beyond the liberty to have fun on occasion—was to build connections and community among our fellows. We’re already plotting this year’s clues!

    To see more articles from the Postdoc Alumni Newsletter Winter 2016 issue click here.